Become a Member

Our Standard Annual Membership is $30 per year.

It is valid for one year. Fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.
Membership is open to adults ages 30 years and up

Standard Membership entitles you to:

  • Take part in various programs and activities for the low price of $3 per session.
  • Receive a discount on specific programs and activities being facilitated by the Centre.
  • Meet a lot of new friends.
  • Have access to the computers and WiFi.
  • Discover a new hobby or interest.
  • Stay connected to your community through regular activities and volunteer work

How Do I Become a Member?

There are two ways to become a member!

  1. Pay online by clicking on the Membership items to the right (below on mobile).
  2. Visit us in person during the Centre’s hours to pay by cash, debit or credit. Call us at 519-674-5126 to learn more.

When you inquire about a Membership, our team would be happy to provide you with a guided tour of the facility.

Basic Membership


Donations welcome!